A review by silvio
Zig Zag Zen: Buddhism and Psychedelics by Allan Hunt Badiner


"Buddhism and psychedelic exploration share a common concern: the liberation of the mind." This connection is one of the most important inquiries in my life right now, and maybe for the wellbeing of the whole world.

The essays and interviews in this book are quite mixed in terms of stance and orientation and depth. I didn't resonate with all opinions (obviously), but I could see how they all fit into this discussion. It's fair and profound. And this makes this book an invaluable contribution to this fundamentally important paradigm shift.

To sum it up:
Psychedelics open the door and point the way, spiritual practice IS the way. Actually walking the way, you will understand the waymarkers much better. And then they can be very helpful.

Spirituality and psychedelics go hand in hand, as helpers. Helpers only. You walk the way.

Both the traditional spiritual and the psychedelic way are about awareness and surrender. Psychedelics also work with imagination - and so do many meditative practices, especially tantric.

In the end, both do nothing but release our contraction and blocks that prevent us from seeing, feeling, being our fundamental Unity, and embodying our inherent Love, Wisdom, Freedom, Joy, Peace.

And in the end, everything is spiritual, and everything can be a tool. Meditation and psychedelics are among the most profound tools, if one knows how to use them properly. Proper use means understanding its usage, its effects, and - not to forget - integrating it into everyday life.
(That is especially important with all deep psychedelic journeys, which are a highly condensed and potent experience.)

The teaching is Unity & Love. Let's become "a member of the Sangha of all beings"! "As a Mahasangha, we will all benefit."
