A review by uberbutter
Falling Upwards: How We Took to the Air by Richard Holmes

informative slow-paced


Have you ever been sitting around and thought "Gee, I wish I knew more about the history of ballooning...?" If so, then boy, do I have a book for you! This 448 page book delves into all things ballooning, from the materials used over the centuries, their uses (adventuring, exploration, research, war, etc), to the most famous of ballooners (hurry! Name your three favorite ballooners! 🤣). It was a fascinating history book and Richard Holmes put a lot of research and passion into this book. But I'm not going to lie, I sometimes zoned out because that's a lot of info about hot air balloons! I always find joy in learning new info and this book did just that. If you're into history and want to learn about a rarely written subject, Falling Upwards may be the book for you!