A review by harvypat18
The Cruelest Mercy by Natalie Mae


I wanted to scream my throat dry before the epilogue.

First of all- Why tf do authors feel the need to include backstabbing endings. I just want to read one book, ONE, where the couple ends up together. I cant stand this backstabbing bullshit anymore. Just work together. It’s clearly the only solution. I almost sobbed because this is the fifth book this month where I haven’t gotten a happy ending. How to people even come back from these? How do they continue to love each other after everything? It makes me soukd like an amateur reader but Its just so bothersome as a reader because I can see what the mc CANT. Ugh just give me the next book please.

Secondly: I know I said I hated Kasta but he’s actually not that bad. I don’t love him but hes trying and redeeming himself. And he’s right for Zahru. Which brings me to my next point, ZAHRU OPEN YOUR DAMN EYES. Jet barely even looks at you. KASTA HAS DONT EVERYTHING FOR YOU. HES BEEN NOTHING BUT KIND AND HELPFUL. GIRL PLEASE. ADMIT YOUR FEELINGS. also his blue eyes? MAAM. Jet is being a brat.

I cant even. This book was a rollercoaster. Just wow. I was screaming until the epilogue. It gave me some relief.