A review by aditurbo
The Plane That Wasn't There: Why We Haven't Found Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 by Jeff Wise


This was a wonderful read. For the first time, I felt like someone very knowledgable provides me with all that's known about the wretched flight, explained very clearly and grippingly. It was so gripping, in fact, that I actually stayed up reading it at night, not being able to stop. On top of that, Wise weaves a plausible-sounding theory for what might have happened to the flight and its passengers. I've read some cut-throat critique on it, but I found the calculations sound, and the explanations well based on the known and accepted information. I'm now looking forward to reading Wise's earlier book, Extreme Fear. Whatever it is about, I'm sure it will be fascinating, and that Wise can turn even the phone book into an exciting read. Will continue following his writing.