A review by owenpeak
The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo by Taylor Jenkins Reid


Wildly entertaining. I thought this book was incredibly juicy and had some twists (the last one especially) that genuinely had me. The references and allusions to classic Hollywood and pop culture in general were cool and even though the descriptions did feel a bit cliche at times this was still a very fun read. My major qualm is that the writing style felt contrived in many ways; TJR obviously had the plot planned within an inch of its life so the dialogue often felt artificial by dealing with the subject so overtly that the writing somewhat felt like a colour-by-number exercise to get the narrative from A to B. There are descriptions here that contain some excellent moments of nuance and smart image choices, however they are often undermined with basic and simplistic wording. That being said, this book still deserves the praise it has garnered and I am intrigued to see how the film will stack up to the original.