A review by pjonsson
Admiral by Mike Moscoe, Mike Shepherd


As far as I am concerned this book was perhaps not perfect but it was definitely one of the better ones in the Kris Longknife series. It is a direct continuation of the previous book, Emissary, which means that Kris has discovered that she is thrown into the deep end together with the sharks and being an Emissary does not even begin to cover it. This is really where the fun begins in this story arc.

There are a lot of things that I like about this book. The plentiful space combats taking place is of course one of them. Kris being her usual kick-ass self another one. Maybe the thing that gave me the most pleasure though is when Kris is trying to teach the Iteeche that their combat tactics are, essentially, crap and really rubbing their noses in it in order to get the message true. For some, due to reasons I will not divulge to avoid spoilers, the message is delivered by means of high energy pulses of coherent light.

Most of the book is about Kris trying to teach the part of the Iteeche fleet loyal to the Emperor how to fight the rest of the Iteeche fleet while thwarting the numerous assassination attempts by the latter faction. This is indeed a quite action filled book. While not fighting Iteeche rebells she has to deal with the usual armada of dumb-asses, bureaucrats and such like which she does with the same kick-ass attitude as when fulfilling her military objectives. I really like it when worthless pencil pushers gets a lesson or two.

A fairly large part of the book is devoted to Kris’ teams efforts to get access to the Iteeche information network and I have to say that I did not really like these parts very much. These efforts where spearheaded by Megan who has some strange capability which allows her to cast her mind into a computer. It was way to unbelievable, bizarre and psychedelic for my taste.

It should not be very surprising that the book builds up to a big, and I mean big, showdown between the loyals, with Kris in command, and the rebels. Unfortunately I do have a bit of a gripe with this battle “finale”. It is very long, which is not a problem in itself, but it is too much of the same. There is little variation, it is pretty much just a drawn out slug-feast.

Regardless of that, as I wrote in the beginning this is, in my opinion, one of the better books in the series and I hope that Kris’ adventures continues in future books.