A review by tayloramirab
The Door to Time by Pierdomenico Baccalario

Brief review: Now this is a science fiction story for junior/young adult readers that is sure to keep the pages turning! This book has mystery on every page and really keeps you wanting more! I think kids will like the fun friendships that are developed, and the puzzles that they have a part in solving. This book also has fun letters in the front and the back from the author and publisher to make it seem as if these books are based on real events, very fun!

Content areas: This book provides many opportunities to use history to solve the clues. Upper elementary grades could use this as a tool to teach kids how to properly research a topic and practice using databases, the library, and other resources. There is a site called Brain Chase, where as a class students will work together on different subjects to solve a world wide treasure hunt. To solve the clues students may need to use a compass, be observe clues in videos and pictures, and work together to use outside resources to be the first to solve the mystery.

Comprehension questions:
1: The book says that Jason and Julia are from London, yet they speak American English, why do you think this could be?
Answer: The author of this book may speak English as his first language, and that is why he doesn't realize the difference between the two languages.

2: In this book the three children had to face many fears. Do you ever face your fears?
Answer: I am terrified of spiders. Once there was a spider in my bathroom, I tried to put a cup on top of it so I could carry it outside instead of killing it. However, when I tried to place the cup on top of the spider, he tried to run away and it scared me even more and made me scream for my dad. He came and killed it, and then it was over. Although I didn't get over my fear, I tried. I'll have to try again some other day!

1: Will the story of Rick's fathers death become more clear as the story goes on?
2: Will the kids make it home before Jason and Julia's parents do?