A review by jamietherebelliousreader
Izombie Vol. 1: Dead to the World by Chris Roberson


4 stars. I really, really like the tv show and I knew going into this that it would be different. I actually really loved the differences between the two and this first volume was so much fun. The artwork is so fresh and really brought this to life and gave it dimension. The characters were awesome and I loved them, especially Gwen and Spot. The entire thing read as a really fun mystery and I liked the story and all of the different creatures of the night that were included. Gwen is amazing and a badass in both the comics and the show and I like that the show kept a lot of her personality in tact. I also kind of ship Gwen and Spot (effing Horatio getting in the way of my ship...grrr!) because I think they are adorable. I will definitely pick up the second volume if I can find it at my local library.