A review by raven168
Flying in Spaceships with Aliens by Erin Raegan


I wanted to love this book. I mean, I love Kil so much that it should be a given that I love his books. But I was just so incredibly frustrated and angry with the first 30-50% of this. Theo had become basically a background character to own freakin book and I hated it. When Kil finally shows up, it gets so much better, but Theo still brings things down for a while.

So we knew from the last book that Theo was being kidnapped by the government because her brother is a huge ass. We find out that around a year has passed where her and anyone that Killian and his men came into contact with has been locked up and studied. Theo most of all is treated like a lab rat in the scientist's desire to learn more about what Kil had done to them. She is constantly being moved from one facility to another, and doesn't even know the planet has been attacked. All that changes when the Vitat are seen close to the facility she's currently being held and they need to move now. They barely escape.

More time passes with them all hiding out in some frozen village. During which time Theo's brother decides who she can talk to, what she can do, and when she can be seen. AND SHE ALLOWS THIS. That's what really made me so mad. For so much of the book she allowed her brother to make all decisions for her and NEVER stood up for herself or tried to say no. Even when she wanted to, all we would get was a "it's not worth the fight" from her. She is allowed to interact with the Dahk that had shown up, but when some of Kil's people crash nearby her brother freaks out. See, he knows that Kil has been searching for Theo this whole time and he's been hiding her. Now it's only a matter of time before he comes for her.

Theo is pissed off that Kil never answered her call for help, but we never find out why he never received it. Which is something I really wanted to know. Kil is so much fun when he finally shows up, as per usual. Theo holds onto her hurt and anger with him, but that doesn't stop him from trying to make her his. He has decided that he will take her and the humans with her to their new home, and during the trip do whatever it takes to get her back. Fortunately for him, she's missed him as much as he has missed her.

I was thrilled that for most of the time on the ship, Kil did not allow Theo's brother to have any say in what she did or anything that was going on. I only wished he didn't cave so easily when it came to not killing him. During their trip, the ship is attacked so they have to go somewhere to fix it. It's a sketchy, dangerous place so Kil plans to hide all the humans and fix his ship as fast as possible. Too bad rumors of his human queen have spread there already. Kil has to take Theo with him if only for an appearance, but that's risky enough. There's a lot of good fighting, both physical and verbal. And of course Theo gets herself kidnapped. Oh, those stupid fools.

It was good to see that by the end Theo started sticking up for herself and going after what she wanted. Which included torturing Kil in order to stop him from making a huge mistake. I was happy with the end except for one thing. Why is it that I have yet to come across a main character this is willing to leave people they know in order to be with the one they love? It's not like they would never see them again. Let go of your living security blanket people.

While their story is technically done now, I am so looking forward to more from these characters.