A review by clowdywings
The Happy Ever After Playlist by Abby Jimenez


Wow. I could not put this down. It was quite riveting.

The overall story is decent and definitely a chick lit one. This was the most riveting part of it all because it really took me on an emotional roller coaster. My biggest complains are that it wasn't believable and it didn't tie in back to things it should've.

The writing was interesting. A lot of it was dialogue driven. When necessary, there were descriptions. Not my absolute favorite style of writing but iconic to the author. The alternating POVs threw me off since the voices were quite alike.

I don't know about the characters. They were interesting but I really didn't like some parts of them.
- Sloan, MC 1. She was interesting. She went through a lot of change so yay. Not really a remarkable character though
- Jason, MC 2. One thing that stood out to me from this guy is that the author wouldn't let him cry. He went through a lot of things and in the most emotional parts, they were set up as if he was going to cry. I scanned through the book again and it only mentions this once, at the performance in the end. Otherwise, I thought he was a pretty cheerful guy.
- Kristen. Couldn't stand her. She just felt like an obligatory cameo.
- Everyone else. Meh. There were some cool moments and some annoying moments from the rest of the cast.

This felt like such a long read. It does cover over a year, so it makes sense. It dragged in some spots when it felt like it didn't need to.

Not my absolute favorite read but I can see why people enjoyed it and hyped it up a lot.