A review by jennyliu887
Passion Unleashed by Larissa Ione


I actually really liked H in this, and found their story so fun to read. Also, it was the perfect amount of interesting event going on in the world, but not reading about boring battles for chapters and chapters. Her becoming a vampire at the end was a bit predictable, but it was still cute.

- h is a human charmed to never get hurt. She got it from her mom who passed it on to her (the angel who did it fell because of this). However, one day she feels it shatter because someone has found her. She is charmed because her necklace is an important relic.
- H is a vampire who had a rough past where his mother was raped, and then tortured him as revenge. From the previous book where they got captured by Roag, he was injected with an incurable poison, and is dying. The only solution is for him to get the charm from the human. The only downside is that he would need to have sex with her to transfer it, and she was given the charm because he was dying from an incurable bite. Taking the charm for her would kill her instantaneously.
- h is sent to a trip to Alexandria to find a relic, and H pretends to be Josh, an ex-guardian who holds a key and was arranged to meet her there. Another guy also appears, but h doesn't believe his story that her adoptive father figure (used to be assigned to her mom and her professor?).
- As they are fetching the relic, the guy from before appears and is able to hurt h, which shouldn't be able to happen.
- One of the employees at the underground hospital is a fallen angel who was assigned to her, and he reveals that the only thing that could hurt her is another angel, but in this case he must have gone dark.
- Although H feels bad for trying to seduce h, he finds out that the hospital is linked to him. While they're in a hotel, he uses his mind powers to make h have a crazy sex dream of him. However, this leaves him more affected than he anticipated, and the two can't seem to stay away from each other.
- On the train ride, they get closer, sharing secrets about each other, and start doing more than just making out. However, H's condition gets worse, which worries h, and eventually, she reveals that she is a charmed human that can't have sex.
- They arrive at their next destination, but H senses that something is wrong. They get badly attacked, and H brings h to the hospital to heal her. She is unconscious the whole time and wakes to find herself on the train. During the trip, H learns that his brothers' lives are also linked to the hospital, and if he dies, the hospital will fail, and they will also die. However, he has made the decision that he can't sleep with her and cause her to die. He was willing to die for her before, and even though he feels bad about his brothers dying, he can't cause her death.
- They decide to not tell anyone about their destination as it seems like someone tipped off the guy from before on their location. - H can't hide his worsening condition to h, and tells her to stop imagining a future with him because he's dying of cancer. They can't keep their hands off each other, and h gives H a blowjob. However, his semen is an aphrodisiac, which causes her to become insanely horny, begging him to fuck her. However, he refuses.
- h wakes up from her state, and can't believe that H refused to fuck her, and H is horrified by what almost happened. He decides to leave her, and send someone else after her to keep her safe. However, as he's leaving, h gets attacked by the guy from before, who takes the necklace from her, and almost rapes her. H manages to fight him off, but isn't able to capture him.
- The fighting weakened him immensely, and laying on the floor practically unconscious, h makes the decision to give him her virginity and charm. She love him and figures that since she no longer has the necklace, he has the best chance of getting it back and defeating him.
- They go to a safe house, and after a call to her guardian, she learns that H is actually a demon dying from a poison. She confronts him, and he tries to explain, but she is just betrayed.
- The guy who took the necklace attacks them, and gets H's blood, which he is planning on using for the Armageddon.
- Then, her father figure and his son arrive, as well as H's brothers (the assassin is actually their brother), and the house is tense as the two sides want to fight each other. However, they hold off and focus on defeating the Armageddon. h is badly injured, and H's brother stays with her to use his powers to keep her alive.
- Kynan and Gem's relationship has been incredibly rocky, with him coming back and fucking her out of jealousy seeing him with Lore (long lost brother), and her ending things because they could never have normal children together. Seeing h on her deathbed makes Kynan realize his previous demon prejudices don't matter, and he proposes to Gem. However, she refuses, saying that it's just a before battle thing.
- They all travel to Jerusalem, and fight the armies to stop the Armageddon. As H approaches the guy, the plan to drink from the fallen angels changes when he gets thrown out into the enemies. Luckily, Kynan is there and a descendant of a fallen angel. So, H drains him of his blood and is able to kill the dark angel, and stop the Armageddon.
- He races back to the safehouse with the dead Kynan in his arms, causing Gem to start wailing. However, Lore is able to use his powers to restart his heart and bring him back to life. An angel shows up, and charms him, as well as any future children he would have. Also, the promotes the fallen angel from the hospital, who is now no longer fallen.
- h asks to be turned into a vampire, and H goes to beg for her at the vampire council. Although they hate him, one agrees, except that he would be her sire and introduce her to the vampire world including feeding and sex. Although H doesn't like it, he's willing to do anything to save her. However, right before he's about to turn h, they realize H still has fallen angel blood in him, which is how vampires were made, and he can turn her.
- He turns her, and when she wakes, they complete the bonding ritual.
- A few months later, H is finally ready to meet his nephews. However, his brothers just shows up with one baby, which is actually his, and they are both overjoyed at the chance to have a family despite vampire not being able to have children.