A review by ambeesbookishpages
A Walk in the Sun by Michelle Zink


The full review + more can be found at The Book Bratz

A Walk in the Sun was a really cutesy romance novel, that was perfect for a rainy day or beach day. (Or in my case work out days on the treadmill.) A Walk in the Sun is jammed packed with romance, loss, the desire to make things better, and so much more.

I really liked Rose's character. Currently she has the weight of the world on her shoulders. Her mother died, her father is in a deep depression and she has a farm to run. She is utterly alone in it all. Except for a few friends and her aunt Marty. With the hired help for the summer Rose should be able to have to summer off and to herself, until she meets Bhodi and their sudden connection. Though Rose's life was almost falling apart, she handled it well. She knew where her duties lied and didn't stray from them. Even with Bhodi around to help, she continued everyday like it was any normal day. Bhodi has been hopping from job after job since the time he was fourteen, leaving behind his alcoholic father. Little does he know that the sassy girl that he met on at the store, would be the girl whose family farm he would be working on all summer. A Walk in the Sun is told in dual point of view, which I enjoyed because both characters had their own stories besides the one that was being told.

The romance was cute and I enjoyed it. It wasn't too slow, but it wasn't insta love. There was a perfect balance. I found it really romantic how they both have the same dreams and one wants the other in on it. It was a little heart melting, with a bittersweet ending that I think all romance readers will enjoy.

All in all I really liked A Walk in the Sun, and will read more from Zink in the future. As I said, this book is perfect for a rainy day or if you are looking for a light read.