A review by gissellereads
Cilka's Journey by Heather Morris


I read The tattooist of Auschwitz earlier this year and loved it. I was one of my “half way to the year” top 10 books. Definitely recommend the audiobook for Tattooist. So, when I saw Heather Morris was publishing Cilka’s story I knew I had to get my hands on it. Cilka’s journey did not disappoint. It is a tough read and I definitely needed to be in the right mindset for it but it’s a beautiful story. I loved that the author was able to make me feel uncomfortable and gave me a picture of how horrible it all was. I was heartbroken, angry, and sad while reading it but at the same time left me feeling hopeful in the end.

This book can be read standalone (you don’t have to read The tattooist of Auschwitz before) but in my opinion because Tattooist is great you should read that first! Cilka’s story picks up where The tattooist left, right after she was set free from the concentration camp she was imprisoned again. It takes place mostly after WWII ended but it goes back in time to show glimpses of Cilka’s story while at Auschwitz- Birkenau and before then.

I still can’t believe Cilka survived so many things and how strong she was. She was truly resilient. I enjoyed reading about the aftermath of the war, and how terrible it was even 10 years after the war was over. I hadn’t read much about the gulags in Siberia before and this inspired me to read more about it.

I loved the relationships between Cilka and the other women in the camp. How they really took care of each other and felt like family. I honestly don’t know I would be as selfless as Cilka was, she truly put everyone before her. This is a story of resilience, survival, love, and so much more!

As with Tattooist, there is an author’s note at the end that explains some what is true vs fiction, the research and writing process. I love these notes at the end of historical fiction books. If you like historical fiction this is a must read!

Thank you so much to @stmartinspress for the ARC in exchange for an honest review!