A review by rosepetals1984
Hit by Lorie Ann Grover


Quick review for a very quick read. "Hit" is a contemporary, Christian YA work which deals with the tough scenario of a poetry teacher (Mr. Haddings) who accidentally hits his student (Sarah) during one fateful morning he isn't paying attention as she's crossing the crosswalk to go to school. The story takes place over three days (which really isn't realistic, but for the sake of the story - I followed it), and trades between Sarah and Haddings's perspectives. Sarah has to deal with her recovery after having brain surgery and the fact that she once had a crush on this teacher, while Haddings has to deal with the aftermath of what he's done and Sarah's sentiments. It's a story of forgiveness and moving on, but admittedly, I had issues with this story.

For one, the story's written in a very stilted, brief style. While it feels very easy to read (and quick to move through), it lacks development and fleshing out for the weight of the story's subject matter. I really think this book could've amounted to more than what it provided. I found also that the stilted style of the dialogue really hindered the believability of the characters. I also didn't understand why multiple characters were so focused on Sarah's appearance. It felt unnatural and weird the way it was depicted, and I didn't like the fixation at all. I did, for what it was worth, appreciate the root of the story and found it a quick perusal, but I do think it had the potential to be more than what it was. Maybe this would be a decent read for reluctant readers, but I think even then it would still need a bit more to carry it.

Overall score: 2/5 stars