A review by alyssaindira
Never Say Never by Justine Manzano


**I received an ARC of this novel through BookSirens, thank you a ton! This has not impacted my review in any way**

**No major plot spoilers are harmed in this review**

“One day you’ll find someone who really is exactly who you think, and he’ll be worth it.”

Hey guys, so I finished this book and I was actually surprised at how much I enjoyed it. From the description, I thought it would be a pretty alright novel; however, I was not expecting just how deep this novel was and all that it entails. Okay, first, the writing style is pretty easy to digest. The author uses just enough background details to sink you into the setting of this story and to get to know the characters, without going overboard or underboard with descriptions. I thought it was the right amount of details necessary to convey both character intent, emotion, scenic details, and plotline/storyline furthering. The writing style made it easy to consume without feeling as if you are missing out on vital plot details. In my opinion, the heart of the story were the characters. The characters in this novel are the ones who propel the plot without being plot devices. Their words, feelings and behaviors did not feel forced, it felt natural to the situation around them. To be honest, I felt like how the characters handled some of the events in the novel were pretty accurate and a bit soul hitting. The themes the characters struggle with are so relateable: should you change yourself for a guy, parental issues, self image issue, who do you want to be v. who others think you should be, all that. I really felt like they were handled in an appropriate way that made you ache, cry but also burst with joy and happiness for the characters. Especially Brynn.
Byrnn goes through so much in this novel, more than a normal teenager should have to go through. But you know what? She is tough, amazing, and strong, she is Brynn, no one else and no one should try to change her. If they do, well then, maybe they arent worthy of knowing who you truly are. I also found the side characters to be great too, her friends, and their bond, their sister hood, the way that they demostrate that love comes in many shapes and sizes. They also demonstrated the different ways different people may respond to the same event.
As for the love interest, not going to lie I was slightly biased towards him because he reminded me alot of my guy friend. He was charming, humorous, always there to talk to about anything without being judgmental, so caring and protective and just, the type of friend you know you can always count on and is reliable in a time of crisis. What more could you ask for?
Another thing I enjoyed about this novel was the mythology. I am a sucker for greek mythology and I found it funny and accurate the way the author portrayed it. it was both easy to understand but also funny, and memorable. Similar to how Rick Riordan writes his myth tales.
So yeah, I enjoyed this novel, but remember, this is all my opinion. If you want your own, read the book. Till next time.