A review by mialilli
The Fifth Horseman by Freida Kilmari


i’m very conflicted on how i feel about this book. do i think it was bad? no, absolutely not. do i think it was incredible? also no. (i’m not structuring this properly just thought-dumping).
this was an interesting experience to say the least. the plot is good. the characters are fine, if a little annoying and immature. the writing was.. not as good as you’d expect for a book like this. i don’t know how to describe it other than “juvenile”, it got better towards the end i think, (or maybe i just got used to it), but for the first 60/70% it was very juvenile/simple.
this isn’t necessarily a bad thing, it makes for an easy read and as someone who’s trying to read their way out of a slump that was a good thing.. but for a book like this, with this premise and the nsfw aspects, you’d except something a little more “put together”?
i also thought it was a little annoying how “in-her-head” the main character was about Everything, and some of the world-building felt a little forced/like an info-dump but that’s probably just a preference/perspective.
this book does genuinely have a good plot and a lot of really interesting points and characters development but the writing and immaturity of some of the characters kind of put me off? i didn’t see myself reading the rest of the series until the last 20%(ish) and even now, even though i really want to know what happens and how the characters’ relationships progress i don’t know if i can commit myself to another three books.