A review by worldwidewebb
Tunnel 29: The True Story of an Extraordinary Escape Beneath the Berlin Wall by Helena Merriman


If I could give this more stars I would.

Incredibly researched, deeply informative but reads like a thriller. I genuinely couldn't put it down - I was reading it at the computer, thanking my lucky stars I still work from home.

I knew things would end relatively well for at least some of the principal subjects of the book (given that the author interviewed them decades later) but I was still petrified as I read about the extreme risks these students - who were practically still teenagers! - took to help loved ones and strangers escape East Berlin. The book presented an absolutely fascinating insight to the different perspectives in Berlin during the '60s, and I found the Stasi communications that were sprinkled through the later chapters both interesting and deeply eerie.

I'll be very annoying over the next few months as I recommend this book to anyone who sits still for long enough.