A review by jesslolsen
I Have a Bed Made of Buttermilk Pancakes by Jaclyn Moriarty


I'm finding this really tricky to rate/review. I liked it, but I was confused most of the time I was reading it so I just forged on hoping it would make sense at some point (it did, in the end)

• I found it hard to keep track of the story. What exactly was happening and when? It seemed the time jumped around and I just had to keep reading to see how it all fell in place and where it fit.
• The characters were very unique and intriguing but it took me until the first 1/3 of the book to 'get' them
• I get the feeling that there was so much more happening under the surface that tied everything together, and I might have missed some of it as it wasn't glaringly obvious, until the last couple of chapters where the real revelations start.
• The actual writing was good. Things were described beautifully and kept to the quirky tone.
• Definitely not a horrible book, but one I definitely had to make myself preserver at times to keep reading. I'm glad I did though, overall it was a nice sweet story.