A review by stewie
Midnight in the Graveyard by Elizabeth Massie, Kealan Patrick Burke, Thomas F. Monteleone


In his introduction to Midnight in the Graveyard, author [a:Jonathan Janz|4389526|Jonathan Janz|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1518203266p2/4389526.jpg] ([b:Children of the Dark|28963838|Children of the Dark|Jonathan Janz|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1454965669l/28963838._SY75_.jpg|49191503]) writes, “…Silver Shamrock is doing this thing right. They assembled a ferocious roster of talent for Midnight in the Graveyard and created an anthology certain to give you hours of pleasure and more than a few nightmares.” By God did Janz nail it. Look, I wear my love for anthologies right there on my sleeve and anyone who talks with me about them for more than three minutes will hear my love for Ellen Datlow. Every anthology I read gets compared to a Datlow-edited one. Right or wrong, I can’t help it. So how did Midnight in the Graveyard editor [a:Kenneth W. Cain|4646345|Kenneth W. Cain|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1567518376p2/4646345.jpg] do? Exceptional.

You can read my full review at Horror DNA by clicking here.