A review by andintothetrees
Pigeon English by Stephen Kelman


I heard about Pigeon English through the Guardian’s Saturday Review supplement, and placed a library reservation almost as soon as I had read it was an adult* novel with a child protagonist. As regular readers of this blog may be aware, child (and teenage) protagonists are one of my favourite things to find in a novel, and that coupled with the protagonist being a boy new to the UK, meant this was a “must read” for me. I love young protagonists and/or protagonists who are new to “modern life” (e.g. recent immigrants, the time-travelled) as they provide a device for the exploration of the familiar through the eyes of an outsider, new to that which I see as everyday, which is very refreshing and encourages my own thinking to be more creative.
* adult as in not written for children/young people, not adult as in erotic, before you get any ideas. There are plenty of other places on the internet for that kind of thing.

... [Read the rest of my review here: https://whathannahread.wordpress.com/2012/03/22/pigeon-english-by-stephen-kelman/]