A review by sardinetin
Mr. Fox by Helen Oyeyemi


I used to consider myself of above average intelligence, a voracious reader. Sadly I no longer have as much time to read any more as I used to, or as I would like. Each book therefore counts in a way perhaps they never used to.
Lately, however, I have been committing what I would once have considered the cardinal sin of not finishing books. When you don't have time to read there is little point in struggling through something for the sake of it.

All that is a long and convoluted way of saying that I struggled with this book. It started off so promisingly. I loved the premise, and there is no doubt the author has a beautiful way with words.

Halfway through, however, the books within book became confusing and irritating.

Read the reviews, however, and everyone else seems to love it.

I've decided I'm not intelligent enough for clever books. I should probably just stick to trash.
