A review by addieyoder
Sunday Potluck Club by Melissa Storm


I am rounding this up from 3.5. The Sunday Potluck Club really had the potential to be a downer. Its the story of 4 friends who have lost parents and have formed a form of support group and friendship through their loss. The first 50 pages are pretty heavy in that grief and loss and the main characters sad state of mind following the loss of her mom. (and rightly so) But, it really turned from heavy to uplifting when Amy started to move through her grief and her friends did, too. We get to see the friends each figure out their grief in their own way and especially watch Amy as she grants herself permission to move forward and be happy. This is very well set up to be a series around each friend. The lower star rating for me is because I am not sure I am attached enough to keep going. It was a good, fast, heartwarming read, but maybe not a series I will hang out in.