A review by kurepii
Courting Magic by Stephanie Burgis


Stolen Magic left me hungry for more. After all of Kat’s matchmaking hijinks, it was only fair that she got her own romance, right? Except she was still too young at the end of the book. (Not that it stopped me from shipping her with a certain boy. Nope.)

Imagine my delight at finding out Ms. Burgis was writing a novella set a few years later. August 12 couldn’t come soon enough.

And now that I’ve read it? Why, this book is perfection. I couldn’t stop grinning like an idiot. It was everything I had hoped for, and then some. I loved that Kat’s friend and cousin, Lucy, from Renegade Magic played another significant role here. I loved getting another glimpse of Kat’s big, meddlesome family. I loved how fiercely protective her sisters and brothers-in-law were of Kat. And, of course, I loved the romance. For someone so quick-witted, Kat was rather clueless in the romance department. But once everything was cleared up, she took charge. It was endearing.

In short, I loved every word of this book. I would love to read another book with Kat in it, and another, and another!