A review by rebeccasreadingrambles
Broken Throne by Victoria Aveyard


Wow.  I was not expecting this book to be such an emotional ride.  Not only do I desperately miss these characters, but the raw emotion and feelings and hurt and healing that happen in this book is amazing.  I love that we get into the heads of so many favorite characters and that nothing is easy-peasy since the end of War Storm.

This book also features some other cool things.  There is a brief history of this world, and how it became to be the kingdom that we knew at the start of the series.  There are family trees and histories of all the Calore ancestors (which help give a little insight to both Cal and the ruling family of this kingdom).

I won't break down every novella (there are other reviews that will do so).  But I will say that I loved every one.  Learning about Coriane's life (Cal's mother) and how her life took a drastic turn had me shocked and intrigued.  The ending left me reeling.  Then we get a story about how Farley and Shade met and fell in love - swoon!  The next story about the Red river captain and Silver escaping princess I really enjoyed because it showed a different perspective during the war.  Of course I was thrilled to see a story from Evangeline's perspective.  She is such an interesting character and I love that she keeps her sass and strength even after all she's been though.  Then it's Mare and Cal and no spoilers, but this novella was tough and wonderful.

Get ready for a chilling Maven chapter - I think it gave me goosebumps.  And the ending of this story had me close to tears - oh the emotion this author can inspire in me!