A review by sade
Children of Time by Adrian Tchaikovsky


"Mankind brooks no competitors, She has explained to them - not even its own reflections"..

One of my main fear with reading Science Fiction is that i'll be unable to understand anything going on because of the tendency to have scientific jargons in it. However,

This book.

This book is hands down one of the best books i've read this year. Like mind = blown. Tchaikovsky weaves a brilliant tale of what it means to be human, what it means to be sentient. Children of Time is like holding up a mirror to yourself and asking is this what it means to be human?

"The whole point of civilisation is that we exceed the limits of nature"

The hallmark of this book is that it it's not just mindless action but instead examines and tackles various themes from artificial intelligence, colonisation, god complex and all in an intelligent fashion.

"Life is not perfect, individuals will always be flawed but empathy - the sheer inability to see those around them as anything other than people too - conquers all, in the end.