A review by jess_mango
The End of Men by Christina Sweeney-Baird


Pandemic novels during a pandemic are a bit much for some, but not for me. In The End of Men, Christina Sweeney-Baird, envisions a virus that strikes in 2025 and only kills males. The story switches perspectives many times to tell the full story and impact of this virus. It starts with an doctor working at a Scottish hospital who notices that several men have come in within 24 hours with what appears at first to be sepsis. They wind up dying. She raises the alarm the the hospital higher ups and the nation's health agencies, but is pretty much told to simmer down. Within days, it is apparent that it isn't just sepsis and that it is only impacting males. There are several characters that reoccur throughout the book, but we also have some one-off perspectives. The narrative style reminded me a bit of [b:World War Z: An Oral History of the Zombie War|8908|World War Z An Oral History of the Zombie War|Max Brooks|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1528312647l/8908._SX50_.jpg|817]. Most narrators were females from from various disciplines, there was the aforementioned doctor, a CDC scientist, a journalist from the Washington Post, and more. It was interesting seeing how the author thought society would be impacted by a severe decrease in the population of men.

I recommend this one!

Thank you to the publisher for the review copy!