A review by varlineau
Haunting Adeline by H.D. Carlton


DNF 38%

I tried to read this all the way through so my friends didn't have to but, dude, this book is fucking terrible. I like very dark romances (hell, I WRITE very dark romances) and I enjoy reading things that are taboo but this isn't even remotely good. Z belongs in jail. There is absolutely nothing hot about him and if you disagree, please get some help. Oh, it's okay that he stalks her, SA's her, and gets off on viciously torturing his victims because he also killed a pedophile once or twice. Nope, not it. It's also poorly written and I honestly should have stopped once I read the disclaimer at the beginning promising the book wasn't inspired by antisemitism and QAnon.

Also, their first "sexual encounter?" I've read that there are people out there reenacting it and getting infections from it because of, well, obvious reasons. Listen, I don't usually kink-shame, but... shame to that kink. All the shame to it.

I will never get those hours of my life back.