A review by constant2m
Master of Shadows by Joss Walker, R.L. Perez


Picking up immediately where the previous book left off, this is a tale of sisters - for sisters. Jayne is more determined than ever to use her newfound magic for good and take down her mother along with all of her evil schemes. Sofia is less convinced that magic can be used for good and just wants to take her sister and hide away from it all - after all, why would anyone seek out danger?

So, sadly for us, the sisters separate over irreconcilable differences at the beginning of the book and only come together near the very end. Fortunately, that also means we all get double the adventures. And adventures, they both have. This series is something of a cross between the Librarian and Indiana Jones. On that note, one of my favorite lines was when one of the characters said he'd really like to meet Indiana Jones because there's no way he would believe magic isn't involved, and in response, he is told that Indiana Jones isn't real. Well, maybe. But in this world, I'm pretty sure anything is possible. Also, Jayne is a complete nerd with all of her pop culture references. That may make this book a little dated down the road, but since I know most of the references, I find it hilarious.

As always, there is the question of who can be trusted, but I have been pleased to see that the two sisters, even despite cataclysmic differences of opinion, always have each other's back. As family doesn't always do. As family should. And to be fair, the differences don't all get ironed out, but they gain a deeper understanding of each other. They also never waiver in their desire to use their powers for good, which is a welcome relief in a world increasingly filled with morally gray fantasy characters. I loved it.

I received a free ARC from the author and have reviewed it willingly.