A review by ashlylynne
Transformers: All Hail Megatron Volume 1 by Shane McCarthy



Megatron has won. He has defeated the mighty autobots and they have been exiled, leaving Megatron and his decepticons to rampage and pillage the earth. Who will be able to stop them? Will anybody?

Transformers: All Hail Megatron, Vol. 1 by Shane McCarthy and Guido Guidi

Genre: Comic/Science Fiction
Release Date: March 2009
Source: Half Price Books – Bought
On My Shelf: No

This was a pretty okay read for me. It’s hard for me to describe exactly what I mean, but this story met somewhere in the middle of “meh,” and “yea, I really liked this.” I think the biggest inconsistency that really affected my rating process for this was that the art was well-deserving of at least a 4-star rating while the story barely scraped by with 2 stars from me.

I’ll start by saying a bit about the bad so that we can end on a good note. I found McCarthy’s storytelling ability to be adequate and efficient but didn’t really find anything more in it. I thought the story dragged in sections, was poorly explained in others, and could have used more elaboration in most. Also, I wasn’t a huge fan of the military focus. I understand the purpose and know that many people will appreciate this; it’s just not really my thing. In my opinion, McCarthy did what he could, but he could have done better.

I don’t have the same thing to say about the art. WOW. This artwork by Guido Guidi is PHENOMENAL. I loved the simplicity of it. The lines were crisp and a little thick and for me everything about it worked. There’s not a single thing about the artwork that didn’t work for me. Honestly, I recommend this book solely for the artwork. Guidi truly makes it worth the read.

The coloring also helped compliment Guidi’s work extremely well. I liked the muted tones that really contributed the atmosphere of the story and enhanced my reading experience.

Overall, I definitely only recommend this to die-hard fans: otherwise, you’re really not missing much if you skip it. If you want to feel nostalgic about the ’90’s cartoon series, pick this up for the art; if not, once again, skip it. I will most likely read the sequel, but I’m not in any hurry to do so.

One final note: That Killing Joke artwork parallel THO!

Review originally published on my Wordpress blog Ashly Reads.