A review by ameserole
The Midnight Girls by Alicia Jasinska


Honestly, I'm surprised and disappointed at the same time. Mostly at myself because how was this NEVER on my radar until today? It's a serious question and I'm ashamed to call myself a reader at the moment. Heck, I'm not even at mostly right now. I'm all kinds of mad at myself and I have to wonder how many other books I've been ignoring.

Back to the book though. From the very beginning, I'd like to think that I was completely enamored by The Midnight Girls. I don't even think I found one thing to dislike or disagree with the entire time I was listening to this beautiful book. From the characters to the plot, I just fell in love with it all. Each page and chapter kept the pages turning until the dreaded last page came my way.

I could probably go on and on about loving the characters in this book. If I did do that, though, I feel like it would be a pretty boring review. Each person brought something different to the story and I couldn't help but ship certain people together. As for their monster forms? Well, again, I was just completely addicted to everything within this.

In the end, I never wanted this book to really end. If this ever became a show or a movie, I would totally sit down and binge the heck out of it. If this ever magically became a series, I would also sit down and binge it. Shoot, I'm already mentally preparing myself for a reread in the near future.