A review by zjunjunia
Harvard Square by André Aciman


Ra-ta-ta-ta.. jumbo ersatz. I really enjoy André's style. Unapologetic and direct. To the extent that sometimes you are embarrassed about what's being said - but it's human! André was kicked out of Egypt at the age of 15 but seeing how he captured some of the Arab/North African characteristics is just amazing. Made me smile as it is exactly how I witnessed them myself; an expatriate's perspective.
The narrative is a continuous dance between the confusion and commotion in Café Algiers and the deep and introspective thoughts of the protagonist - striking yet so perfect in delivery.

'I wanted to imagine them, keep stepping back till I saw what was inside me, not what was out there. As if in order to experience this thing called the past, I needed distance, temperance, tact, an inflection of sloth and humor even - because memory, like revenge, is best served chilled.'