A review by bkvann
The Duke's Wife by Jess Michaels


Finally, Abigail’s story, the first Mrs. Montgomery, the last to carry the name.
Rating: 4 stars
Steam: 2.5 flames
Genre: Historical romance / Enemies-to-Lovers
The Three Mrs.’ series has been a tragic tale of how Erasmus Montgomery, bigamist, destroyed three women’s lives (and almost a fourth). One by one, the former Mrs. Montgomery’s have found their true love, found their hearts, and although society isn’t kind, they are trying to regain their rightful places.

Abigail was the original and actual Mrs. Montgomery, as the first wife. Unfortunately, at one point she had loved Erasmus, and then he became mean and a liar, and by the time he died, there was no love lost. However, the walls around her heart are high and solid. She refuses to ever fall in love again, although she is so kind, compassionate, and loyal to all those around her.

Abigail wants her freedom more than anything but as a woman, she is limited in her options. Most men want to control their wives...and she never wants to be controlled again. Enter Nathan, Duke of Gilmore...Nathan and Abigail have been nothing short of adversarial for a year, but in the words of Andes Serrano “Oftentimes we love the thing we hate and vice versa.” Could these two be masking lust/like with hate?

Gilmore has been intrigued by Abigail since he met her, but he too had a terrible upbringing and is slow to trust, but he can’t deny there is something brewing between him and Abigail, the only issue is getting Abigail to see it.

The Duke’s Wife is a push pull romance, with both MCs trying to protect themselves. The two characters have witty banter, chemistry off the charts, and the storyline of the two of them finding love again was wonderful. I loved Gilmore, he was such a kind, understanding, and plain wonderful man. I will be honest, I wanted to smack Abigail a couple of times so she could see what was in front of her...good thing Gilmore is persistent.

A wonderful conclusion to the tragic tale of the Three Mrs., it was fantastic to see Pippa, Celeste, and Abigail find love and that Erasmus did not win in the end! I highly recommend this book/series! Happy reading!