A review by jscarpa14
Maybe This Time by Jennifer Crusie


So as far as the love triangle romance of this goes I'm not really buying that. Andi is never actually engaged to Will because she never actually tells him yes. Most of his appearances are in phone calls and the first time he's actually present is in the restaurant where she decided to break up with him. He doesn't come to the house until after this when he decides to ignore her wish to break up with him. He's barely there and then he leaves. So yeah there's no real love triangle at all. The thing is it's not super believable with North either because for the majority of the story he's not really there either, he's in an entirely different city and has very few scenes even in his point of view. They only spend a weekend together after spending 10 year divorced and not interacting after what I think was a 1 year marriage months of which they barely interacted and suddenly they're supposed to be the solid and in love couple. I'm not even sure based on the history given they were a solid and in love couple the first time. They married after knowing each other 12 hours and only stayed married for a year. With this backstory a solid believable couple they are not.

Setting aside the romance aspect of this it was still an incredible book because while the romance doesn't really work, the ghost story is phenomenal. The interactions between Andi and Alice are probably what make this book the most. Andi's relationship with Carter is a bit lacking for most of the book, but her interactions with Alice and the ghosts create a really page turning story. Mae was one of the shining characters of the story as she interacted with Andi and we learned more about her life and death. She's unpredictable in motive and actions from her first introduction.

Overall while it's not a great romance, it is a great book that had me on the edge of my seat from beginning to end.