A review by mrswythe89
Songs of Innocence by Richard Aleas


Got quite bored in the middle, but everything was wrapped up so neatly and with such panache that on balance I think I like the book.

The cover is remarkably inappropriate, considering the storyline.


My only objection to it is that the narrator dies at the end, which always annoys me. In school we used to be made to write essays from the point of view of coins and bicycles and things -- "I Am A Coin", the title would go -- and it irritated me when people wrote long tragic life stories of coins that ended with the coin swirling down the drain. "Now I swirl down the drain, never to be seen again ... " Then how are you telling this story?

It gets to me. Also when boybands sing a song to just one person, e. g. the Mandy song. When Westlife says "Oh, Mandy, you came and you gave without taking", which one of them is saying it? Are they all singing from his point of view, then? Or did Mandy come and give without taking to each and every one of them, and they sent Mandy away collectively? It is all very confusing.