A review by zarco_j
White Boots by Noel Streatfeild


This was a childhood favorite, I wanted to be Harriet so badly when I was 10. Then I read Lord of the Rings and wanted to be a Rider of Rohan when I grew up. Sadly neither happened, and don't tell anyone but I've never been ice skating that I can remember.

My mom bought me this when I was about 9, in response to my father gifting me Dracula, Lord of the Rings and Jane Eyre. She thought she could get me to read proper children's books instead of the adult orientated choices my father made. I never told her that I preferred his reading material, it's one of the many regrets I had when she died when I was 21.

Anyway... I'll stop waffling now.

I enjoyed this just as much as when I was a child. The thing that strikes me as odd though, why are Lalla's Aunt Claudia and step-uncle David still married? I laughed at the idea of giving a child whiskey after a faint, it seems so far out of time now.

Noel Streatfeild writes cleverly of the difference in class, the lingering aftermath of WWII and the children are so well developed that they feel like they could be our friends, or the children of friends.

I guess it's pretty clear that I loved this, it was perfect for a wet Sunday afternoon by the fire. I'm going to find my battered copy of Ballet Shoes now and read that.