A review by ladywestfall
One Dark Throne by Kendare Blake


"You cannot kill what is already dead."

EASY 5 STARS FOR THIS MAGNIFICENT SEQUEL! I didn't really expect this. I dozed off a lot of times when I read the first book but surprisingly, this installment was fast paced and action-packed! I don't know why I didn't read this sooner. I've bought this book some time ago and left sitting on my shelf for like, forever. UGH, I LOVE IT SO MUCH!!!

SpoilerLet me start this spoilery section by saying how much I love Katharine's character!! I know, I know. I can feel everyone judging me. I've always rooted for Kat since book 1. I love how she literally came back with vengeance! It's like something just snapped inside her after falling off Breccia Domain and there's this other person now. Fiercer and more wicked. Katharine 2.0! I really love it when an underdog gets to rise above everyone. Katharine proved to everybody who belittled her that she is someone to be afraid of. SHE IS MY QUEEN! πŸ‘‘ But is she really a poisoner though? I mean, Arsinoe is. And clearly Kat is still getting sick with poisons. Or is she now made out of poisons? Her betrothed literally died of poison after bedding her. Could she really be a poisoner without the gift?? I she giftless then? Or does she have the war gift? She pretty much have the temper. πŸ€”WHAT IS HAPPENING? πŸ™€

I also love Arsinoe and Mirabella's character arc though not much. Arsinoe is still stubborn and tough. Mirabella is still nice with a pinch of tiny angst. I mean, come on, Katharine is winning at life. They have to step up their game. Mirabella is no doubt the strongest but with that heart of gold, I doubt it's not much use. I really want her to breakfree and just fight! I also love that they got together as sisters again. I wish this for Katharine soon but not too soon because I am still enjoying wicked Kat.

I AM LIVING FOR SOFT, SOFT BILLY!!! I love how loyal he is to Arsinoe, no doubt (Joseph should've learned from you bruh). I also enjoyed him being Mirabella's taster and lowkey threatening her life, like omg Billy you gotta stop! You are literally on your enemy's arms right now!! But yeah, he is that loyal to Arsinoe. I so love them together too! I also like his friendship with Mirabella.


And Jules, ohmygod, JULES HAS THE WAR GIFT!!! I knew she's something more. I just didn't expect her to be that strong. I am so excited for her on the next book! And can I just point this out; I love how Jules doesn't chill on the fact that Joseph cheated on her. I love it when Joseph asked her if she trusts him when he was to see Mirabella and she said, "Not one bit." She said that in his face and I just clapped so damn hard. You go girl! That is what I'm talking about. Low magic or not, you are a cheater Joseph!!

Am I the only one glad that Joseph died. I mean, yeah it is sad for Jules but he deserved it, doesn't he? *shrugs* I am still holding that grudge, I'm sorry.

Over all, this sequel is UH-MAZING! Now impatiently waiting for book 3!!! #TeamKatharine