A review by jsx27
Mask Off: Masculinity Redefined by J.J. Bola


A good summary of how 'masculinities' are perceived and dissected in contemporary sociological discourse. It is essentially a text that brings together a 'woke' guide for anyone coming to understand or challenge who they are as a man.

However, some of this didn't really fit for me. I found particularly the idea that playfighting and playing with toy guns leads to aggression later in life quite bizarre, namely because I don't know if I believe that. Playing with toy guns in my childhood certainly hasn't made me aggressive to people.

I think this is a book mostly aimed at straight men and especially straight black men, although the book is fairly intersectional.

Perhaps I was expecting this to be more of an individual view from Bola, as opposed to a general overview. It didn't bring me anything new or anything I hadn't already known, but as a gay man who's mostly come to terms with all of this, I don't think it's aimed at me.