A review by mayu
The Gaslight Stalker by David Field


The synopsis above was the only reason I picked up the book. Though the book turned to be a bit different than what I had expected when I read the synopsis, but still I enjoyed reading this book and highly recommend this book to all mystery lovers.

I loved Esther's character. She is the kind of woman I love reading about, she is strong, brave and someone who is ready to give a piece of her mind to anyone who dared to think lowly of her because of her job as seamstress, or the place she lived in. Esther was very courageous and was not at all afraid to go to dangerous places or to talk to dangerous people in her quest to find out who the murderer was. I also liked Jack's character, even though I had expected more action and more detective work from him, given the synopsis, and the fact that the series is named as Esther and Jack Enright Mysteries. I just hope that in the coming books of the series, I would get see more action and more involvement in the case from Jack.

The Gaslight Stalker completely gripped from the time the first murder was committed and with each coming page I became more and more engrossed in the story. I was not able to put down this book, until the very last page was turned. I was very shocked when the murderer was revealed. I had not expected this person to be the one murdering people. This twist was just the best part of the novel.

I enjoyed the romance between Jack and Esther and the romance didn't, even for once, overshadow the mystery plot, which was very good.

Final words

If you are looking for a mystery novel with a sprinkle of romance, set in Victorian London then you should immediately click on the buy links and get yourself a copy of The Gaslight Stalker .