A review by veecaswell
The Day It Finally Happens: Alien Contact, Dinosaur Parks, Immortal Humans--And Other Possible Phenomena by Mike Pearl


Review: The Day It Finally Happens by Mike Pearl. 

For fans of such bestsellers as What If?,The Worst Case Scenario Survival Handbook and The Uninhabitable Earth, as well as Steven Pinker and Malcolm Gladwell, this is a book about future events that we don’t really understand and getting to know them in close detail.

What I love about this book is that yes you get the what if’s and all the research, but at the beginning of every chapter are these scenarios in place, and they make for some funny but brilliant reading. The chapter about doping at the Olympics for example begins with a Keirin race commentary that will make you laugh and you will never forget - I read it a couple of times just to make me laugh- the way Pearl writes is just fun and it makes this book so easy to read. 

Pearl uses science and his wit to bring us a book that is packed with fascinating imformation, talking to experts and academics for every chapter - and the graphs in particular near the beginning of the book around human population are unforgettable. Another interesting chapter around when Saudi Arabia will dig up it’s last barrel of oil, also has that wit, but also that depth and detail that a scientist brings to a book. 

An excellent book that highlights how the might world look in the future or an alternative universe, this book is a hooking and brilliant read that keeps you curious. I would even recommend Pearl take some of these short scenarios and create a book from one, I would read it if this is anything to go by. 

(I received an ARC from Netgalley for honest review).