A review by phoenix2
Something Borrowed by Emily Giffin


I read this book because I had it resting on a shelve for months and I had to give it a try. I was disappointed however. The main idea was interesting, but the whole plot hadn't been managed properly. Rachel was a weak character who complained on and off about her friend, who was bosssing her around and was unfairly luckier than her, but still she didn't do anything about it, not even telling her what was bothering her. The only thing she did was to have an affair with her friends fiance, Dex, who was in a way her rebellion against her good girl self. Their relationship was borring, because he didn't want to call off his marriage and she didn't say a thing about it to him. Plus Rachel appear to be a woman who is not satisfied with her job, but is afraid to quit, and the only thing that can fullfill her is to have a boyfriend. Finally the book was at some parts like a turist guide for the best restaurants and clubs in New York, as the characters spend their time in those, at a different each time. Hopefully the second book will be better (its on me shelve too so i have to read it) but i don't keep my hopes up.