A review by lacywolfe
The Last Forever by Deb Caletti


Loved all the library/librarian references!

"If you can't solve your problem in a library, good luck to you."

"A library is a physical equivalent of a sigh. It's the silence, sure, but it's also the certainty of all those books, the way they stand side by side with their still, calm conviction. It's the reassurance of knowledge in the face of confusion."

"Being a librarian is a stressful job," Larry says.
It doesn't look stressful. ...
"But most everyone else has some problem that you're supposed to cure with--"
"And I believe in information--" Larry makes his voice sound like a preacher's. "Information solves ninety-nine percent of the world's problems."

"I didn't know librarians could be such smart-asses either."

"You'd have thought that kid would have ended up in prison, but he's in library science too."
I smile. Not just at bad clowns, but at "library science." I like that name. It makes a library sound as vast and mysterious as the universe or ocean, requiring specific study to be understood.

"Never underestimate a determined librarian," Henry says.
"Petitions! Power to the People!" Larry says, and raises a fist in the air.