A review by rebeccareadsmut
Sinful Empire by Meghan March


Overall all 3 of the books I enjoyed the "series"/book. I loved Mount. I liked Keira. I think they are a fun couple.  I just had some issues with some of the plot in this one.

I wish there had been an actual scene about them getting married, not just a hint of it.

I really guess it was just PLOT but it really annoyed me that when Keira got shot and was in the hospital that Mount just left her. If I woke up after being SHOT and my husband wasn't there, I would be absolutely livid. They barely even explained it, at first I assumed it was because well he's a notorious crime lord basically.  He really left her alone because her parents showed up at the hospital for her?  They were married.  Sure her parents didn't know, but it still just rubbed me the wrong way. And then when she was leaving the hospital to go back "home" to his house, he wasn't even sitting in the car to get picked up with her? And then after that she still waited months to tell her family about her new husband?  The heck.

There just just some things that bothered me about the 3rd book and about their relationship but overall I really liked it and enjoy what I've "read" so far from this author. (I've only actually done audio books for this author, it's what my library has.) It does make me wish I had read this before the other series to see the small glimpses of Mount and Keira together in Temperance's book.