A review by si0bhan
The Gentleman Bastard Series by Scott Lynch


The Gentleman Bastard books are quickly becoming some of my favourite fantasy reads.

The Lies of Locke Lamora had been sitting on my to-read list for quite some time. Ever since noticing one of my favourite authors had it on their to-read list, I knew I needed to give it a read. Hell, a lot of the big names in fantasy had many positive things to say about it – thus, I needed in. Unfortunately, I’m not the most patient of people. Due to this, I try not to get involved in series until they are complete. I like to be able to jump in the world without having to take breaks. I’m already waiting on far too many conclusions as it is. Therefore, I was waiting for more of the series to be released before diving in.

This soon went to pot when one of my friends offered me a collection of his fantasy books. He was cleaning out his house, making more room, and wanted to unload some of his books. Who better to hand them to than little old me? Everyone who knows me is aware of my love for books, of how I will nab any and all offered. I asked him what was included and he gave me a wonderful list (at this point I would like to point out the embarrassing fact of how he has only read a couple of them, thus leaving me to question our friendship). There were many squeals as names were read out. Patrick Rothfuss. Joe Abercrombie. Robin Hobb. Scott Lynch. The last easily brought out the biggest of squeals because the first two Gentleman Bastard books were being handed over.

So it was, as soon as I had carried thirty hardback books across town – in the rain, I might add – I got down to what I had been waiting forever to read. I started The Lies of Locke Lamora.

Quickly I knew this was a mistake. This was to be a series whereby I would want to read them all – right then and there. I only had the first two! What kind of misfortunate was this! To make matters worse, not all of the books are out yet. It’s wonderful to know a series will be continuing for some time… and yet I knew from the get-go that I needed them all. At least I had the first two sitting by my bed – it really could have been worse, I could have only had the first book sitting there waiting to be read.

Or so I told myself. After finishing book one I jumped straight into book two. Having finished book two I felt lost and in need of book three. I brought book three, and now the feeling of being lost is extended until I can finally get my hands on book four.

Truthfully, my vocabulary does not quite expand to describe how wonderful these books are.

I know, I’ve given them a four-star rating, but that is because I’m really mean with my five-star ratings. Both books one and two are so close to being rounded up to a five-star rating, and book three was a solid four-star read. Those who hand out five stars more willingly will have no issue in giving these books five stars… but I’m not one hundred percent of the way there. Still, they are wonderful.

I call these onion books: the stories are built up of so many layers. As soon as you unwrap one layer, another is found and another and another, and so on ad infinitum. Constant twists and additional pieces of information are being thrown at you. It is hard to stress how much happened without giving away too many spoilers. Just know we have stories within stories. All of this without becoming repetitive.

Plus, we have wonderful characters. Hell, the voice of Locke deserves five stars in and of itself. The entire cast is wonderful. You have everything you need in the characters. Not to mention wonderful interaction. Seriously, with a great story and wonderful characters these books are not to be missed.

I could say so much more, yet ninety-nine percent of what is left in my head will leave me writing spoilers. Just know it is a truly wonderful series. It is brilliantly written (not just in terms of the prose, but also in the way in which emotions are so easily brought to the fore of your mind) with a storyline to die for. I cannot wait to see what comes next.

If you’re a fantasy fan and you have yet to give this world a try – seriously, get to it, you’re missing out!

Honestly, it is more than worth the read.