A review by andreasromancebooks
Sweet Vengeance by Viano Oniomoh


5 ⭐️ The best paranormal/monster romance novella I've ever read!

Female Revenge stories are not my usual type of read. I'm so absolutely aware that the world is unfair and downright abusive towards women, that I don't like to insert myself in those kinds of narratives when they're fiction. If I wanted to wallow in the fact that the patriarchy is ruining our lives, I'd watch the news.

But this book... I'm sure it's just because it has a hot af demon in it, but I could read a thousand iterations of this story and never get bored. I just know it. I loved Joy, her strength, resilience and desire to take down the man that S.A. her. She's flawless. There are so many TW to be taken into account before reading this book that it can seem a bit overwhelming. I'm so glad I pushed through them, though. Also, I'm pretty sure I enjoyed this book because she manages to get said revenge. Real life is absolutely not like that.

Another thing I adored here is that this novella takes place in Nigeria, and it's written by a Nigerian author. It felt so amazing to read and get glimpses of the life, culture and traditions. I really do need to find more books set and written by authors outside of America and Europe. I usually end up loving them!

Sometimes all I really need is to read books about women becoming unhinged and stealthily plotting the murder of their r*pist with the help a demon... only for them to then falling in love with said demon. What can I say? Malachi was perfect!
