A review by kittykornerlibrarian
How to Party with an Infant by Kaui Hart Hemmings


I enjoyed this when I was actually reading it, especially some of the funnier lines, but did finish it a couple of days ago and am starting to suspect that it's not that memorable. Set in San Francisco, it's the story of single mom Mele navigating the choppy waters of new parenthood in a community of parents who are obsessed with image and creating the perfect future for their children. While I occasionally enjoyed Mele's role as the rebel mom who doesn't fit in with the snobbish mommy crowd, there's only so much of that I can take. Glamour moms are just trying to hide their insecurities! Sometimes they will dis you at the playground! Conspicuous consumption of baby gear is over the top! Yes, okay, I've been there too. I guess I felt this catalogs these various experiences without offering anything new or any insight. So, yes, a fun, forgettable read.