A review by paperbacksandpines
Dear Reader: The Comfort and Joy of Books by Cathy Rentzenbrink


Wow! This book exceeded my expectations. Written along the same lines as [b:Bookworm: A Memoir of Childhood Reading|28501495|Bookworm A Memoir of Childhood Reading|Lucy Mangan|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1511977501l/28501495._SY75_.jpg|48654576], this book was more memoir and less a recounting of books that impacted Rentzenbrink's life. There were some books sprinkled in throughout the book but this book was more about Rentzenbrink's life as a reader and her journey through the book world. I enjoyed this book but I wish there were more mentions of books that impacted her life. Overall, this was a good read.