A review by mcdavidson
Our Share of Night: A Novel by Mariana Enríquez, Megan McDowell


leaving as 4 stars for now. this took me almost three weeks to get through, which is completely abnormal for me. even with longer books, I typically finish them within a week or so. I think I had a hard time getting into this initially as the pacing felt very slow and I was confused during the beginning. 

what I liked: the social/political commentary, the dynamic relationship between Gaspar and Juan, exquisite writing, and some of the characters feeling quite complex. 

what I disliked: pacing as a whole felt too slow, I think it could have been shorter as im not sure every detail mentioned was necessary, and the ending felt rushed and a bit anticlimactic. 

I have been in a reading slump this month which may be contributing to my feelings.