A review by aishwaryashenolikar
The Atlas of Reds and Blues by Devi S. Laskar


I had been wanting to read this book for a really long time. The Goodreads description sure had me impressed. I think it is time for me to not rely on Goodreads description all the time.

Okay, so about the book. I get what the underlying message the author was trying to communicate. The second-rate judgement. The implying racism. I get it. It’s important to write on these matters. But writing about them & having a voice are two different things. The thing that most bothered me was the writing style. What Goodreads mentions as ‘lyrical prose’ is nothing but ‘lazy writing’. It is a different style for me to read, yes. But, I am very open to new styles especially when it comes to books. This one just didn’t do it for me. The story is butchered into a million parts. It is really difficult to understand the link of one thing to other: whether it’s her childhood continuation or her adulthood continuation & how it all holds up together.

I cannot stress how difficult it was to read the book. It was pointless & fails to set a tone with the American or Indian or any reader.

Check out the full book review here: http://www.mindscapeinwords.com/2020/03/the-atlas-of-reds-and-blues-mindscape.html