A review by amym84
Waiting on You by Kristan Higgins


Waiting on You is the third book in the Blue Heron series. This time it's Colleen O'Rourke that gets the spotlight and I'll admit I never really thought that Kristan Higgins would venture away from the Holland family. I'm very happy she did however because I found Waiting on You to be better than [b:The Perfect Match|17738218|The Perfect Match (Blue Heron, #2)|Kristan Higgins|https://d202m5krfqbpi5.cloudfront.net/books/1368430597s/17738218.jpg|24817721].

Colleen is known as the fun and outgoing bartender / part-owner of O'Rourke's. She gets along with most everyone and has quite a successful track record of set-ups and marriages between the people of Manningsport. If only her own love life were as simple. Ten years ago her heart was broken by Lucas Campbell her first love, her only love. She doesn't want to go through that again....ever. So she contends herself with everyone else's love life that is until Lucas returns to Manningsport to be there for a family emergency. They both realize that maybe there's still some unfinished business between them.

Probably one of my favorite romance tropes is the return of first love. Kristan Higgins always does a great job with giving the full background story while we work through the present daydilemma of our couple actually becoming a couple.

The chemistry between Lucas and Colleen is right there from the start even after ten years of separation. I liked that niether Colleen or Lucas denied their attraction to one another. It was their circumstances that made them hesitate. Colleen is happy, for the most part, in Manningsport. She's built a good life for herself and her family and friends are there. Lucas, on the other hand, was not originally from Manningsport. He moved there with his Aunt, Uncle, and cousin his senior year in high school. He's orginally from Chicago and for him, his furture dreams were leading him back to Chicago one way or another. Colleen was a surprise to him, but he started to see her as part of his future too. As often with young love, it's very volatile and Lucas and Colleen broke up in a sad way. Being back in Manningsport in the present doesn't mean he will stay. He's here for his family and once that's done, he intends to head back to Chicago. Colleen knows this and it's the reason she's reluctant to start something with Lucas again. She knows that she will want something permanent with him, she doesn't want her heart broken again. I really liked seeing them work their way around / towards each other again even through all the heartbreak of the past.

We get to see glimpses of characters from the previous two books in the series which I liked, sort of like we get to see their stories continuing in a way but in a secondary capacity. Higgins also manages, again, to balance out the sad heart broken parts with plenty of humor. She's also set up quite a few possibilities for potential leads in her next book. I'm very interested to see who will find their HEA next. So far, the Blue Heron series has been really good. I highly recommend to anyone looking for a great contemporary romance.