A review by octagonal
Chosen Ones (Lost Souls, Book One) by Tiffany Truitt


Mehhh. This book was so meh I don't even have quippy insults to throw at it.

It's just... kinda forgettable? It had a good premise, too, with these cylons coming around and saving things, and then the whole world is all "OMG ROBOTS FOREVER, DIE HUMANS!" and such. But instead we just get this meh book that has a really unpleasant treatment of women. I mean, obviously that's the point, but it still just creeps me out.

I'm not sure what it is, but lately every time I pick out a book without reading any reviews or anything, it ends up having some weird treatment of women in it. Especially this "women = cattle" thing, which has popped up WAY TOO MANY books that I've read lately. I guess it's because they're all these books where humans are on the edge of destruction, but I'm not actively seeking this out, I'd be glad to get onto another topic right now.

Anyway. Yeah. Boring.